I absolutely love this whole army/camouflage trend. I was on the look out for some skinny army pants but I couldn't find them anywhere till I went to Forever21. Another funny story about this outfit is that I had seen this T-shirt online at Forever21 and a couple days later I went to the store to buy it. Now the store that I went to is two stories, pretty big. I decided to ask one of the workers where they had it. After going to where I had been directed I couldn't find it anywhere. So then I asked another person who was near by to what she told me that they were sold out. I was bummed. I was just glancing around when out from afar the word "Tupac" caught my eye. I walked over to it and right behind another shirt was the Tupac shirt that I had been looking for. I was stocked. My lucky day.
Anyways, here is two different ways I wore this outfit. The only difference were the shoes. Casual VS Dressy (um somewhat).
Top/Pants: Forever21
Necklace/Heels: Fashion Q
Sneakers: Jordans 3
Purse: Olivia + Joy